Data Access
Researchers interested in learning more about SWAN can find links to the archived data, specimens, and the SWAN data collection schedules.
NIA Biobank
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institute of Health is the biospecimen bank of the SWAN study. All stored specimens are from the 3,302 SWAN participants. There are currently nearly 1.8 million samples, collected across the 16 clinic visits. Both SWAN Specimens and Data are available to the scientific community. The NIA Biobank also houses the SWAN Public Use datasets (Screening through Visit 16, bone and carotid artery substudies, longitudinal datasets such as menopausal status, psychosocial measures, and medication group).
SWAN researchers have published over 500 manuscripts covering a wide range of topics related to menopause and women’s health. Those interested in analyzing the public use datasets are strongly encouraged to access the current list of SWAN publications to ensure their research questions have not already been addressed by SWAN Investigators.
Data not available through the Public Datasets are under active investigation by SWAN Investigators and are being used to address aims of the study grant (SWAN V).
SWAN Archived Data on ICPSR
The SWAN Public Use Datasets provide access to longitudinal data describing the physical, biological, psychological, and social changes that occur during the menopausal transition. Data collected from 3,302 SWAN participants from Baseline through Visit 10 are currently available to the public. Users are able to download datasets in a variety of formats, search variables and view recent publications.